Photo Gallery

We are extremely proud about the quality of the Carp as well as the condition of the fish across Cherry Lakes.

This is due to our stocking selection, on-going feeding programme to help them keep growing and repair quickly any damage from spawning etc, as well as our strict rules around fish handling and care.

We hope you agree when you review the photos below.

Each section shows some of the Carp and fish caught in each individual lake. Click on the image for more information.

Cherry Lake Carp

47-08 Mirror held by Sam Bicknall of AJS fisheries.
This fantastic Common came in at 42-04
Darren Hodgson 39 R
Phillip Kingsbury. 37 FSM R
Steve Keene. 31-02 L
Andy Watts. 46-08 L
Andy Watts 30-06
Costa Koureas. 46-05 R
Samson Shaw. 38-04 L
Stephen Carella. 45lb
Carl harris. 36-12 L
Chris Skelt. 42-00 L
Liam Knight. 39-00 R
Danny Sheen 36-04 L
Mark Goodyear. 40-06 L
Brian round. 41-03 R
Brian Round. 42-05 L
Kaaren Jenner. 35-02L
Mark Miller. 41-03 L
Cameron Brannagan with a 38lb Common
Andy Watts. 39-02 L
Gary Owen. 34-10 R
Cameron Branaghan. 31-08 L
Cameron Branaghan. 38-00 L
Cameron Branaghan. 41-00 L
Jess Bevans. 41-00 L
Rob Murray. 43-08 R
James Hine with a stunning 31lb Fully Scaled Mirror from Osprey Lodge
Elliot Lee with his 'honeymoon present'. The Two-tone Common at 40-06 from Grebe Lodge
David Knock. 36-08 L.jpg
Richard with his  new English PB, a fantastic Ghost Mirror of 37-12
Peter Callow with his 45-12 Common known as 'The Scuff', presented with him by fishery manager Dave.s . 45-12 L.jpg
Jonathan Logan with  his new PB. A bonny Common of 31-07
Steve Townsend with a rarely caught 39lb Mirror
Steve Townsend. 31-08 Ghost Common
Dave Martin with 'The Swirl' at 38-08 from The Cottage swim.
Lee Pierce with his new PB, a 33-04 Mirror from Heron Lodge
Tom Hughes with his biggest from Heron Lodge. A 36-06 Mirror
Simon Littmoden with a stunning 33-12 Ghost Common from Osprey Lodge
Aaron Hull with his 36-12  Common from Cherry Lake Cottage
'The Hairy Carper',  Paul Mitchell with a Common of 35-08
Wayne Poole with our latest new forty. A 40-04 Mirror from the Cottage swim.
Paul Mitchell with 'The Peach at 33-12
Bobby Lambsdon with his new PB. An impressive 33-08 Common.jpg
David Barter with a 30-08 Mirror from Osprey Lodge on Cherry Lake
Chris Hughes with a 33-02 Common from the Cottage
Charlie England with a stunning 38-02 Mirror. This was last caught in August 2018
Lee Jackson with a 31-08 near Leather Carp from Grebe Lodge

Cherry Springs Carp

Adrian Bates with the biggest of his stay on Cherry Springs. A 29-06 Mirror
Andrew Panes. 30-06L.JPG
Amy McAndrerw. 28-04 cropped.jpeg
Kevin Lane with a fantastic 3-08 Crucian from Cherry Springs
Hannah with her new PB, a 24-06 Mirror from Kingfisher Lodge
Jav Alam with a 26-12 Mirror. The biggest Carp of the record breaking week.
Leon Alam with his biggest of the week. A Mirror of 24-04
Matthew Whitchcock with a 22-02 Cherry Springs Mirror
Matthew with a good looking Mirror of 19-14 from Kingfisher Lodge
Dean with the biggest of his trip A 28-12 Cherry Springs Mirror
Darren Rouse's birthday treat highlight was this 28lb Cherry Springs Mirror Carp.
Amy Emery with a 20lb Common from Cherry Springs
Michael Gould with his 30-02 Cherry Springs Mirror.jpg
Stephen Lawrence with a very impressive 25lb Mirror from Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs.JPG
Stephen Lawrence with a 24-10 Mirror Carp. The first of an impressive brace of 20's from Kingfisher Lodge Cherry Springs.
Steve Keen with his new Cherry Springs Lake record, a 30-12
Neil Flack with a lovely 22lb Mirror from Cherry Springs.JPG
Gary Owen with his much deserved 'Snow-Carp', a 15lb Common from Cherry Springs..jpg
Stephen Clark with the biggest of 26 Carp, a 21-04 Mirror from Cherry Springs..JPG
Bethany Orr with her new-PB a 25-02-Mirror
Richard with a stunning Cherry Springs Common of 20-06. the photo does not do this Carp full justice.
Alan Whitehead 26lb Cherry Springs

Cherry Mere Carp

Peter Laws with his 36-04 Mirror from Cherry Mere
32-08 James Stringer
Jamie and Michelle Green with a 22lb Cherry Mere Mirror
Ian Blackwell with a stunning 26-08 Ghost Common from Cherry Mere
Daniel Ward 33-08 R.jpg
Greg Bairstow with his new PB. A 26-02 Mirror from Cherry Mere
Oscar Taylor with his new PB, a 29-08 Mirror Carp from Cherry Mere
Dave/Geoff 30-02 Cherry Mere
Brian Hamilton 25lb
Wayne Hockley with the biggest of his birthday weekend. A 24-02 Mirror from Cherry Mere..jpg
Adam Bennet 18-08 Cherry Mere Snow Carp
Neil Rowe with a beautiful Mirror Carp from Cherry Mere
Wayne Hockley 19lb
Paul Jennings 20-12
Colin Howarth with his new PB. A 28lb Mirror from Cherry Mere.jpeg
Marc Campion 21-02
Leigh-Anne Campion delighted with her new PB. A delightful 16lb Mirror from Cherry Mere.jpg
Tony Oliver 22-00
Owner Mike with a stunning 20lb Mirror
Dan Greenland 23-10
Sam Osbourne 21-05 'Snow' Carp

Cherry Pool Fish

Malcolm Williams  20lb Koi Carp from Cherry Pool
Gavin Kennedy 3-08 Cherry Pool Crucian
Andrew Wells 20lb Common Cherry Pool
Andrew Wells with a Koi of 11lb from Cherry Pool..jpg
2-09 Roach from Cherry Pool.jpeg
Dawn Tunnicliffe 15lb+
Jason Cousins 4-01 Crucian Carp
Luke Williams 20-08 Common
Malcolm and Luke Williams
Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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