Tom beats his Dad Ian Mitchell with a new PB
Ken O' Connor lands his seventh different 30 from Cherry Lake
Tuesday 16 April 2019
We have just returned from a holiday with our kids (30 and 28!) and had a lovely time with them. It's amazing that they still want to come away with us.....although I suspect the fact that we paid might have been a factor! It was nice to experience 30C temperatures at a time when several nasty night time frosts took the temperature at Cherry Lakes below 30F! I am very pleased to have returned at the point when a mini-beast from the east is disappearing with hot weather forecast for this weekend.
As I am a little jet-lagged I will split my updates into two and will publish the second one over the next day or two.
Tom Mitchell spent a weekend in Kingfisher Lodge with his father Ian. Fishery manager Dave tells me Tom smashed both his, and his Dad's PB when he landed this Cherry Springs Mirror of 24-08. As you can imagine Tom was delighted with his capture.
Ken O Connor has been visiting Cherry Lake again last week and as usual he managed to get amongst the Carp which seem to be feeding close to the far bank. In total he had 9 Carp, which is by far the best reported catch on Cherry Lake this year. As well as landing several big 20's, he landed his seventh different 30 from Cherry Lake when he landed this 31lb Ghost Mirror Carp below. This Carp was landed last year by Jack Lyon at 30lb, suggesting she is growing slowly but steadily. I think she looks great in her winter colours.
We still have a good number of vacancies throughout the next few months, so if you fancy a visit to Cherry Lakes please give us a call on 01285 869887