Mark Bullock slaughters Cherry Springs in the cold
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Friday 7 February 2025
Catching Carp across Cherry Lakes during the cold weather of the last few weeks has most definitely been 'a game of two halves', the three smaller exclusive lakes have kept producing, whilst Cherry Lake has been very tough for the few hardy souls who have chanced their arm! Simon Littmoden being the exception (see my last update)
I was interested to learn that January was colder than average and this weather pattern has continued into early February. The water temperature, which is measured approx. 2 feet under the surface, being just 5C. Despite this low temperature the Carp are still picking the odd bait up.
One of the best ever results (given the conditions) is the one which is unfolding now. Mark Bullock is staying in Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs. When he arrived on Monday we agreed that a few Carp on the bank would be a good result, especially as we have had three hard frosts this week.
Well what do I know? Using an Angling Technics bait boat for precision, he has been concentrating on the 3-4 feet deep marginal shelf which is present around most of the lake. Between Monday to Friday, Mark s caught an amazing 25 Carp. A number which would be good even in the Spring or Summer. He has been fishing bright high attract small pop-ups, presented over a mix of crushed house boilies, a small amount of pellet and Hempseed. The Carp seemingly cannot resist it.
Whilst the Carp might not be holding over these depths (using the fish finder, they appear to be 'sitting and holding station' at approx. 4 feet in depth in a water column of 7 feet. When they do fancy a nibble, they do so by drifting over the nearby shallower water to feed. In winter, even more than in Summer, it is important to work out where they are feeding rather than where they are holding. They can often be in different places. Mark has certainly done this!

So far up to Friday lunch-time Mark has landed 30 Carp up to 29-04. Of these 8 Carp were over 20lb+. All of the Carp I saw were looking in great condition. I love them even more in their winter colours. One of the other things I noticed about Mark's captures is that they would often take place within 15 minutes of re-casting.
So his success is based in part on fishing in shallow water and re-casting regularly. Not many anglers do this in winter and particularly when there is frost on the ground. Outstanding angling Mark and well done. I look forward to seeing your results for the rest of your stay.
We now have some 140 anglers 'signed up' for our private 'Beyond the Gates' Facebook community. Simon is much more active in reporting about all aspects of Cherry Lakes. if you are a guest visiting Cherry Lakes during 2025, I would suggest you request to join. It is a much better way of tracking what is going on, and you are able to message other Cherry Lakes anglers to get their advice etc. If you are a past guest, you are also eligible and welcome to join.
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- By using this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/2056268314810489/?ref=share
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